"Don't you mean Asperger's?" I guess this is a variation on your first bullet point.
"How can I get a diagnosis for myself?"
"Can you help me do/teach [insert academic or adaptive skill] for my more severe clients?" This has come from healthcare providers on occasion.
"How is it that you just recently got diagnosed and not before the age of [single digit number]?"
"Are you super smart?"
"Does your child [whatever it is]?" NO. I AM TALKING ABOUT MYSELF. ONCE AGAIN, I AM NOT A PARENT! This one's really bad online in autism or disability spaces that are not very exclusive and get overrun by non-disabled parents who aren't super confrontational and are desperate to find anything to help their kids.
"Are you able to consent to care?" This one has come from people who are responsible for putting my appointments into scheduling systems at different medical facilities.
"Why won't the shinies leave us alone?" A common occurrence on TikTok when autism parents don't agree with us and want to play the "my-child-is-more-autistic-than-you-ever-will-be-so-shut-up" card. TikTok is the absolute worst.
"Are you nonverbal?" Similar to the question about "shinies". It's usually a bit rhetorical.
"Have you raised a level 3 child?" See directly above.
"What does a formal diagnosis get you at your age?"