I certainly agree with a lot of the specific gripes other autistic people have with the organizations and that there are better organizations out there (I'm also not sure what a better word to use besides "flaw" would be since it already implies negativity).
What I meant to illustrate when I brought up Autism Speaks is that many autism spaces simply present the issue as a dogma where you simply have to hate them from jump without any explanation and aren't given a lot of leeway as a beginner in these spaces when you don't yet know the backstory of things like this. Furthermore, I was also pointing out that most spaces don't really try to do anything productive with their opinion of Autism Speaks to try and hinder Autism Speaks' application of its principles IRL other than shit on autistic people and parents who haven't quite "gotten with the program". Certainly, there are other issues hindering us organizing, but I see a lot of complaining online without offering solutions.
I also have seen such a black and white approach to the matter. Either you hate them and go off on anybody who doesn't share every single detail of expression of that opinion or you are the enemy.