I have been suspecting for a long time that "low/high support needs" are basically just a stop on the euphemism treadmill. Same thing, different day.
And on top of it, it's so insulting and dismissive when folks cry that "low support needs" people "dominate" media attention, "silence high support needs voices" and "steal" services. Don’t even get me started on how we blame people for self-identifying and not the systems that caused them to have to self-identify. Crabs in a barrel at its finest.
I'd really like to know what world some of these people are living in where being designated "Level 1" helps get me specially tailored services, because even though I've had much more access than most people in my situation due to where I live in the US, I'm constantly made to feel like a guinea pig, like I've even, for lack of a better term, "ceilinged out" the Level 1 category by daring to do things like be a grad student out-of-state, and like what these professionals are doing is so primitive and ineffective that people in a several decades are going to look back on it like we look back on lobotomies now. Please tell me where there aren't health care providers seemingly chomping at the bit to assume I'm conserved or act surprised when my parents don't come to every appointment after learning my diagnosis.
Sign me up.