I haven't figured out if I'll try to pursue having kids or not and have probably about 20 years left to decide on attempting to use my uterus for the purpose of creating biological kids, but I think that there are several places where society creates discouraging barriers for me in terms of trying.
1. I am trans and aro-ace and have already experienced issues when it comes to accessing inclusive OB-GYN services even for routine pelvic exams and have also have had trouble with any other healthcare service branded as a "woman" thing.
2. Being aro-ace, the path to having some kind of co-parenting situation is unclear and I worry about my ability to juggle single parenting with other stressors.
3. I'm terrified of bringing a new person into the current situation in the US, especially with my current finances making it inconvenient to leave at the drop of a hat, and knowing how hard it is already to ensure basic access needs are met for disabled kids without being exceedingly wealthy.
4. I'm worried about the potential sensory complications of being autistic and pregnant and based on my preliminary research, it sounds like medicine is just barely even starting to realize that we sometimes get pregnant, so it would just be yet another situation where I'm a guinea pig as if there aren't already enough.
5. My sister encountered significant medical racism when she gave birth to her two kids and was treated as a "drug seeker" just because she requested basic pain management.
6. I'm not sure if I want a PhD after I finish my master's and from what I've seen, schools don't make it nice for single-income grad students to have kids.