It sounds like we've had a massive miscommunication that's lead to some ruffled feathers. I never said anything about being against accommodations, nor did I claim that the massive unemployment rates among our population are not a glass ceiling. I have been one to ask for job accommodations myself, not gotten them, and tried to file an ADA suit against a former employer who fired me as soon as I asked for said accommodations. My work path has also been non-traditional. I've never held a full-time 9 to 5 and have had a series of odd musical freelance gigs, math teaching, and research assistant positions.
I am simply countering the assertion that we are always less productive than neurotypicals and should have less responsibilities than them. It's just factually not always true. That doesn't mean working without accommodations. If some people need a specific accommodation that entails less responsibilities, that's nothing to be ashamed of, and I am all for people accessing that accommodation if needed, but it shouldn't be a blanket thing applied to all of us.
All I want is for our work support to be individualized to our needs, interests, and aspirations, and myself, and several people I've known have failed to be supported, even by the specialized programs that are supposed to help us work, because they tend to expect too little by default and shoehorn us into positions we're either have little interest in and/or are overqualified for.