I've been perpetually confused by what "speaking over someone" is supposed to mean in an asynchronous online context, where it in a physical sense, is simply impossible. Maybe I’m being too literal. Whenever I see it come up, I brace myself for a vague, yet impassioned instance of discourse laden with oppression olympics and one-upmanship. When it comes to autism in particular, especially in anonymous internet spaces, I prepare myself to be put in a box as being "not autistic enough" for my opinion and lived experience to hold any weight or be taken seriously whatsoever.
The more I've observed and participated in these kinds of discussions, the more I've come away with the impression that it's extremely unproductive to talk about privilege within any demographic as if it's a linear, objective quantity meant to be compared and sized up, rather than an intersectional, multifaceted, highly complex concept, the former of which tends to just lead folks down a short road toward senseless infighting.